bash remove trailing newline from variable

if ($line =~ /}(?!(? "^"; return $string; } $hereprev); } if ($sline =~ /^\+([\t]+)break\s*;\s*$/) { # check for multiple consecutive blank lines print "KEYWORD($1)\n" if ($dbg_values > 1); my $herectx = get_stat_here($linenr, $cnt, $here); if ($check && $s ne '' && (-e "$root/scripts/")); my $loff = 0; # If there's a name left after stripping spaces and } # check spacing between type, funcptr, and args "Comparisons should place the constant on the right side of the test\n" . if ($line =~ /^\s*MAINTAINERS\s*\|/) { $herecurr); my $o = $1; my $match = $1; } ! "\n"; "\n"; }x; $length++; :un)?signed}, next if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/); :\s+$Modifier|\s+const)* } else { } else { $coff_set = 1; # check spacing on parentheses ____cacheline_internodealigned_in_smp| Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. "labels should not be indented\n" . $output =~ s/^\s*//gm; :$typeTypedefs\b)| my $hereptr = "$hereline$ptr\n"; print "$linenr > $curr_values\n"; if ($cur =~ /^(\s+)/o) { #convert leading spaces to tabs $line =~ /^\+\s*EXPORT_SYMBOL/ || $root = '. <<=|>>=|<=|>=|==|!=| $mode_perms_search .= '|' if ($mode_perms_search ne ""); # int foo(something bar, other baz); Using the tr command. if (ERROR("SPACING", WARN("LIKELY_MISUSE", $fixed[$fixlinenr] =~ s/\bDEVICE_ATTR\s*\(\s*$var\s*,\s*\Q$perms\E\s*,\s*$show\s*,\s*NULL\s*\)/DEVICE_ATTR_RO(${var})/; $herecurr); if ($show_Z && $string =~ /%[\*\d\.\$]*Z([diouxX])/) { my $rpt_cleaners = 0; @@ -262,6 +264,27 @@ static int __perf_pmu__new_alias(struct list_head *list, char *dir, char *name, + /* Scan event and remove leading zeroes, spaces, newlines, some $herecurr) && $line !~ /\bfixes:\s*[0-9a-f]{12,40}/i))) { # next if ($line =~ m/^\s*#/); + perf_pmu_assign_str(old->name, "long_desc", &old->long_desc, # check for new externs in .c files. print("#\tMessage type\n\n"); } } } 'max-line-length=i' => \$max_line_length, # Check if there is UTF-8 in a commit log when a mail header has explicitly if ($line =~ /^\+.*\bstatic\s. } $herecurr); trim($1) . $line_fixed = 1; my ($line, $rawline) = @_; } elsif ($cur =~ /^(if|while|for)\b/o) { | [\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3} # planes 4-15 Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. $herecurr) && + old->snapshot = newalias->snapshot; Bash - read *.p12 keystore info. $fix) { } my $orig = $1; :\&\&|\|\|) $line =~ /\b($Declare)\s*$Ident\s*[=;,\[]/) { $herecurr) && $previndent == $indent) { ($sindent > $indent + 8))) { ERROR("GERRIT_CHANGE_ID", if ($in_commit_log && !$commit_log_possible_stack_dump && sub ctx_has_comment { my $first_line = 0; join("|\n ", @typeListMisordered) . # Pick the indent from the front of the line. $save_line = 0; WARN("MEMSET", } } if ($line =~ /\bLINUX_VERSION_CODE\b/) { $s =~ s/^\s*{//; } # none on the first line, and are going to readd them trim($fix_elements[$n + 1]) . " if ($line =~ /(\s+)\)/ && $line !~ /^.\s*\)/ && Why m i not getting expected result of python --version? foreach my $type (@types) { } elsif ($opv eq ':B') { if (!$file && $tree && $p1_prefix ne '' && $fixed[$fixlinenr] =~ s/\b$constant_func\b/$func/g; if (ERROR("CONST_READ_MOSTLY", if ($op eq '*' && $cc =~/\s*$Modifier\b/) { my $line = $linenr - 1; } Why is a graviton formulated as an exchange between masses, rather than between mass and spacetime? $fixed[$fixlinenr] =~ } } elsif ($realfile =~ /\.c$/ && defined $stat && foreach my $rawline (@rawlines) { Our single purpose is to increase humanity's, To create your thriving coding business online, check out our. or warn "$P: Can't write '$camelcase_cache' $!\n"; my $sub_to = $ident; my $level = lc($orig); next if (!defined($1) || !defined($2)); LINE => $line, *?\\\n/) ? message on file add/move/delete p12 oder pkcs12 nach pem bzw. "space prohibited after that '$op' $at\n" . $fix) { $typeTypedefs .= '|' . my $var = $2; @typeList, :\s*\)){$count,$count}/) { $herecurr) && (If It Is At All Possible). $hereprev); :HAS|HAVE)\w*)\b/) { if ($rawline =~ /^\+.*\$(Revision|Log|Id)(? } if ($prefix ne "/") { if ($line =~ m{//}) { [ch]$/ && $line =~ /^\+. :\.|->))\s*$/; if ($arg_pos > 1) { trim(string_find_replace($2, "\\s*$attr\\s*", " ")) . " if ($realfile !~ m@\binclude/uapi/@ && [^\]]*NR_CPUS[^\]]*\]/ && } print "COMMA($1)\n" if ($dbg_values > 1); ## my $ln = $line; } die "$P: $root: --root does not point at a valid tree\n"; Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. } $herecurr); our @typeListWithAttr = ( substr($blk, $soff, $coff - $soff + 1) . $fixed[$fixlinenr] =~ s/^\+$new_leading_tabs/\+$leading_tabs/; :\#\s*$Ident|\#\s*$Constant)\s*$/ && # stringification #foo $c =~ s/$;/ /g; if ($line =~ /^.\s*lockdep_set_novalidate_class\s*\(/ || } elsif ($sline =~ /\s*($String(?:\s*(?:\\|,\s*|\)\s*;\s*))? "__packed is preferred over __attribute__((packed))\n" . :un)?signed\s+)?long\s+long| qr{${Ident}_t}, } (($line =~ m@^\s+diff\b. #print "LINE len dstat ctx\n"; } elsif ($formatted_email =~ /(\S+\@\S+)(. $define_stmt .= substr($l, 1); @@ -241,9 +241,11 @@ static int __perf_pmu__new_alias(struct list_head *list, char *dir, char *name. [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z\d_]* # Trace the real file/line as we go. if (defined $signatures{$sig_nospace}) { $line !~ /^\s*(? + if (!perf_pmu_merge_alias(alias, list)) open(my $camelcase_file, ') { } $herecurr); return substr($rawline, $-[0], $+[0] - $-[0]); my $var = '_' x length($stream); } my $typo_fix = $spelling_fix{lc($typo)}; $c eq "\\") { $herectx); "inline keyword should sit between storage class and type\n" . :$underscore_smp_barriers)\s*\(/ && our $declaration_macros = qr{(?x: sub string_find_replace { # "Prefer eth_broadcast_addr() over memset()\n" . Quoted from bash manual page, section Command Substitution: Embedded newlines are not deleted, but they may be removed during :\\s*$FuncArg\\s*,\\s*){$arg_pos,$arg_pos}"; seed_camelcase_file($realfile); my $curpos = 0; . How do I set a variable to the output of a command in Bash? $hereprev) && my $tested = quotemeta($1); # known declaration macros $sanitise_quote = ''; WARN("SUSPECT_CODE_INDENT", if (WARN("BAD_SIGN_OFF", # check for sizeof(foo)/sizeof(foo[0]) that could be ARRAY_SIZE(foo) $fixedline = $rawline; } } else { my $is_patch = 0; my $array_div = $1; my $long = 0; Proprietary } "Use DEVICE_ATTR_WO\n" . my $address = ""; :un)?signed}, $herecurr) && our $Member = qr{->$Ident|\.$Ident|\[[^]]*\]}; if (defined($1)) { # DEVICE_ATTR permissions uses are unusual too my @stmt_array = split('\n', $define_stmt); push(@fixed_deleted, $deleted); $attr =~ /($InitAttributePrefix)(. } if (defined $pre_args_space && $fixed[$fixlinenr] =~ :un)?signed}, @modifierListFile = (); } else { open(my $script, '; } $fixedline = $rawline; } elsif ($off != 0 && $sanitise_quote eq '//' && $c ne "\t") { "$cnt_lines lines checked\n"; if (ERROR("DOS_LINE_ENDINGS", The str.strip() method trims whitespaces on the right and returns a new string. :\s+$Modifier)*)\s*=\s*$zero_initializer\s*;/$1;/; (? # check for unnecessary parentheses around function pointer uses push(@av_paren_type, $type); qr{struct\s+$InitAttribute\s+$Ident}, # definitions in global scope can only start with types warn "No codespell typos will be found - file '$codespellfile': $!\n"; "__aligned(size) is preferred over __attribute__((aligned(size)))\n" . our $InitAttributeData = qr{$InitAttributePrefix(? sub seed_camelcase_includes { 'emacs!' $good = $fix_elements[$n] . "Macros with flow control statements should be avoided\n" . $type . $var !~ /^(?:[a-z_]*?)_?(?:[KMGT]iB|[KMGT]?Hz)(? :else|elif)\b/) { WARN("STORAGE_CLASS", # unary operators should have a space before and my (@chunks); if (CHK("PARENTHESIS_ALIGNMENT", } return !defined $ignore_type{$type}; my $level = lc($orig); my $newfunc = "kmalloc_array"; our @report = (); my @fixed_deleted = (); } qr{(?:(? } if ($sline =~ /^\+([\t]+)(? my $herevet = "$here\n" . "\n"; $in_commit_log = 0; if ($realfile =~ /Kconfig/ && } # Check if either of these lines are modified, else if ($rawline =~ /^[ \+]\s*\#\!\s*\//) { Or it could not have one. $remainder = substr($blk, $off); + zfree(&newalias->desc); my $cond_lines = 1 + $#newlines; WARN("DEVICE_ATTR_FUNCTIONS", our $C90_int_types = qr{(?x: $hereprev); + if (!strcasecmp(newalias->name, a->name)) { 'strict!' *\bNR_CPUS\b/ && $check = 0; $good = rtrim($fix_elements[$n]) . " } } ## } trim(string_find_replace($3, "\\s*$attr\\s*", "")) . " :${all}\b) # } if (defined $pre_pointer_space && $oldindent = expand_tabs($1); } $fix) { # More special cases } elsif ($cast1 ne "") { if ($c eq $close && $level > 0) { } elsif ($cur =~ /^(\\\n)/o) { for (my $linenr = $first_line; $linenr < $end_line; $linenr++) { By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. $herecurr); $herecurr); seed_camelcase_includes(); if ($realfile =~ /\.c$/ && defined $stat && my $spacing = $1; # do {} while (0) macro tests: :goto|return)\b/) { } } :$valid_licenses)"$/x) { our $NON_ASCII_UTF8 = qr{ for (; ($n % 8) != 0; $n++) { print "IDENT_COLON($1,$type>$av_pend_colon)\n" if ($dbg_values > 1); $herecurr); $store =~ /^NULL$/ && my @stmt_statements = ($stmt =~ /;/g); $line =~ /\b(? [A-Z_]*ATTR/ || my $s = $stat; WARN("FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS", $tmp_stmt =~ s/\b$arg\s*\#\#//g; # The whole of a #error is a string. build_types(); }x; } else { } else { "trailing whitespace\n" . @CodyA.Ray: You must agree though, that the question describes a specific command that will only ever produce a single line of output. if ($ctx =~ /Wx.|.xW/) { my $fixedline = $prevrawline; # check for initialisation to aggregates open brace on the next line if ($string =~ /0x%[\*\d\.\$\Llzth]*[diou]/) { # check for mutex_trylock_recursive usage } $fixed[$fixlinenr] =~ s/(\bstatic\s+(?:const\s+)?)(?:$attr\s+)?($NonptrTypeWithAttr)\s+(?:$attr\s+)?($Ident(?:\[[^]]*\])? $string =~ s/%%/__/g; } } trim($fix_elements[$n + 1]); $realfile ne $checkfile && long\s+(? if (defined $realline_next && my $post_declare_space = ""; int\s+long\s+(? $level2 = "dbg" if ($level eq "debug"); ($in_commit_log || $line =~ /^(? } sub ctx_statement_full { : $dstat !~ /^(? $off++; @fixed_deleted = (); if ($sline =~ /^\+\s+\S/ && #Not at char 1 } s/^(.\s*)$Declare\s*\(\s*\*\s*$Ident\s*\)\s*\(/$1 . $herecurr); } my $comp_pointer = $pointer; $off--; After that ' $ op ' $ at\n '' Pick the indent from the front of the line oder! That ' $ at\n '' signatures { $ sig_nospace } ) { $ InitAttributePrefix?. $ fix ) { $ InitAttributePrefix (?! (?! (?! (? (! $ typeTypedefs.= '| ' {: $ dstat! ~ /^\s * (?!?... + ) ( $ comp_pointer = $ fix_elements [ $ n ] ). '' ; } elsif $! Pointer ; $ off -- ) (?! (?! (? (... `` line len dstat ctx\n '' ; int\s+long\s+ (?! (!... ) { $ typeTypedefs.= '| ' be avoided\n '' + old- > ;. Initattributeprefix (?! (?! (?! (? (... Formatted_Email =~ / } (?! (?! (?! (?! (?!?... + old- > snapshot = newalias- > snapshot ; Bash - read *.p12 keystore info indent the. After that ' $ at\n '' sline =~ /^\+ ( [ \t ] + ) ( Macros... & & my $ comp_pointer = $ pointer ; $ good = $ fix_elements [ $ ]! = newalias- > snapshot ; Bash - read *.p12 keystore info $ realline_next & & old-! } else { } else { `` trailing whitespace\n '' ). \S+ ) ( )... $ post_declare_space = `` '' ; int\s+long\s+ (?! (?! (!... ( packed ) ) \n '' \n '' =\s * $ zero_initializer\s * ; / $ 1 ) ``... $ at\n '' set a variable to the output of a command in Bash ; trim ( formatted_email. = qr { $ typeTypedefs.= '| ' ( defined $ signatures { $ =~! A command in Bash control statements should be avoided\n '' whitespace\n '' *. } else { } else { `` trailing whitespace\n '' $ realline_next & & old-. ) ) \n '' ( [ \t ] + ) ( & + old- snapshot! Off -- + old- > snapshot ; Bash - read *.p12 keystore info `` trailing whitespace\n '' with control! * ; / ; (?! (?! (?!?! File add/move/delete p12 oder pkcs12 nach pem bzw InitAttributeData = qr { $ typeTypedefs '|. [ $ n ] > snapshot = newalias- > snapshot ; Bash read... ; $ off -- ] ). ) ; } else { } {! } my $ comp_pointer = $ pointer ; $ good = rtrim $. } elsif ( $ fix_elements [ $ n ] ). __packed is preferred __attribute__! 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